Rolling weed on naked woman

Backshots & Blunts

Deep. Sensual. Open minded orgasms. That’s the magic of weed & sex. 

Mary Jane helps bring out creative thinking. And when it comes to sexual wellness, we are recognizing that it’s a match made in heaven. You’re more relaxed, and you’re more willing to try new things and explore more. The brain is such an important organ that has a vital role in sexual wellness. Due to the relaxing nature of a high, your mind is in the right mood for fun. So when you take out the distractions, stress and anxiety, you’re more open to all the good feelings that can flood in with sex. Touch. Taste. Auditory. You know exactly where all that is heading…maybe it’s time to invite Mary Jane into the bedroom with you. 

Open Up

Weed can enhance your sexual experiences whether you’re alone or with a partner. Self exploration is a good place to start if you’re nervous about how your partner may react. Stoned solo play can be so sexy by itself. Being in tune with your spots that really set off that fire inside of you, and watching yourself move in response to those specific touches.. It’s just next level. And when you can appreciate yourself, you’re more likely to be more confident in the way you work with a partner involved.  Like with any other change in relationships, it’s important to openly communicate with your partner about your thoughts and curiosities. It’s all part of that special chemistry that you share. 

Pick a Method

Edibles are a fun high, but they can be unpredictable. Unless it’s a brand and/or dose you're familiar with, there’s a wide window of when it may kick in for you that may not align with your sexy session. So while it’s nice to have no smell or smoke, you will need to find the right product that works for your body dosage and timing  wise. If you’re looking for another less obvious option, a vape pen may be a good pick for you especially if you have a roommate or kids around. There are so many ways to consume weed now, that it can be overwhelming. Don’t be shy with your bud tender because they get questions like this more often than you can imagine. 

Give It a Test Drive

Experiment with different strains and see how you react. Sativa usually will help lift your mood and heighten your senses. It’s best to talk to a Bud Tender at your local dispensary and let them help you decide which would be a good blend for you. 

Start low and go from there. You don’t want to jump in deep and find yourself in a heavy high that leaves you just wanting to sleep instead of wanting to play. Use a gradual method to find that personal sweet spot where it just enhances the moment and doesn’t drown it out. 

Get Wet

Whether weed is involved or not don’t forget the lube. Ever. THC, the power behind marijuana, may block the glands that produce saliva (Hello, Dry Mouth!). But the same situation can also lead to a little bit of a drier environment in the vagina. If you’re feeling even more adventurous, consider adding a lube that includes a little weed-infusion. Your local dispensary will be able to help you find a product like this. If that’s not an option for you, any other lube is great-just make sure they’re compatible with your sex toys.

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